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Found 33 results for the keyword money smart. Time 0.006 seconds.
Money Smart Life - Money Tips for a Better LifeHow to make more money, manage credit cards, reduce debt, invest your money, find insurance, choose a bank, and find the best deals to give you the most money for your life.
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Career Archives - Money Smart LifeDoes open enrollment seem to sneak up on you every year? Your human resources department sends out an email announcing the enrollment period and before you know it you re scrambling to make your selections on the last d
Debt Archives - Money Smart LifeEmergency funds are like New Year s resolutions, everyone likes the idea of having them but not enough people actually put in the time and effort to see it through. If starting an emergency fund is something you want to
Investing Archives - Money Smart LifeMany of us feel overwhelmed by investing, partly because there are myths about how difficult it is to invest and partly because we don t understand all the technical terms and concepts we read about or hear financial pro
Frugality Archives - Money Smart LifeOne of life s sure things is that, at some point, your cable promo rate is going to expire, and you are going to be stuck with a higher rate for the remainder of your contract. While some experts recommend that you cal
Taxes Archives - Money Smart LifeAfter you file your tax return with the IRS, and before you stick your copy in a box kept in the attic, take the time to look through the results, and learn what you can do to improve your financial situation. Your tax r
Real Estate Archives - Money Smart LifeIf you’ve ever been involved in a real estate transaction before, you’re probably familiar with the term double closing. That’s an arrangement where you buy a new home on the very same day that you sell your old one. In
Forexpedia - elevating your financial literacyForexpedia is the leading website for all things finance. The site is equipped with financial dictionary, trading techniques, and reading resources.
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